Ruggedized antiseismic equipment and an excellent quality of concrete C20-25.
Felizol to the shell of the building for perfect heat insulation and sound isolation.
Roof and internal space insulation using foam-cement
Waste pipe constructions using heavy type pipes.

Hydraulic facilities constructed with tiled with brass pipes for long time wear

Enforced aluminium pseudo cases

Supplies are tiled with metallic contructions


Tiled waste pipes and enforcement of construction with long time duration mesh

Heat pipe enforcement

Do the designs of your apartment with us and adapt the dimensions of your rooms according to your demands. We can also work on the designs of constructing fireplaces or barbequeue spaces.
Closets, sideboards, doors and turns in a variety of designs and colors which you can adapt them according to your will and your needs. You can select any of our thousand solutions that are given to you.
Through a variety of excellent colors and designs you can select floor tiles and plumbing fixtures, taps and any bathroom accessories, that are produced from the best factories and businesses of Europe giving you the excellent quality.
Secure your house and feel safe with the most contemporary security systems and with the best security doors that we can provide you. For your greatest safety and brute protection we provide you a signal receiving center that operates 24 hours a day.
Ruggerized bars of aluminium of yor choice including double heat insulated glass having the design of your will.
Indoor or outdoor garages.
Solar heaters of fine quality including their warantee and excellent service.
Autonomic heating with fine quality panel type radiators.